What is a Job Interview and What is its Purpose?

An interview is a conversation between you and an employer in which you exchange information. The purpose of the interview is to assess the person-work and person-organization adequacy of the candidate for the job. It is important to remember that the interviewer's approach is not personal, and it is important to remain confident and courteous throughout the interview. In a group interview, the interviewer has to multitask more than when interviewing one candidate at a time.

This can be used to assess the applicant's stress management skills or assertiveness, as they will be surrounded by other candidates who also want to get the job. Interviewers may also form judgments based on the physical attractiveness of applicants, or their behavior in the interview. The interviewer may also be influenced by personal and demographic characteristics that are irrelevant to the job. For example, they may misinterpret an applicant's irresponsibility as risk-taking or entrepreneurship.

It is important to note that there are no established instructions on how the interviewer and interviewee should interact before, during, or after the interview. Overall, it is important to remember that the job interview is an opportunity to show good manners and your ability to clearly articulate your thoughts and ideas. By doing this, you can give yourself an advantage over other applicants and increase your chances of getting the job.

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